How to Design a Website

Designing a website involves choosing every detail that brings your brand to life. This includes colors, fonts and images.

During the goal-setting stage, designers will ask questions to understand your vision. This will help them create a sitemap, wireframes and design mockups. It will also assist them in discovering possible issues and avoiding scope creep.


Colors are a major part of website design, not only in terms of how they look, but how they affect the user. All colors have inherent meanings that influence the way users perceive your site, sometimes consciously and others subconsciously. Choosing the right colors can help you create a cohesive and impactful brand identity.

Whether you’re designing for an established brand that has a set of existing branding guidelines, or you’re working with a new business starting from scratch, it’s important to consider what kind of impression you want to make. Using a color combination that communicates your brand’s values and messaging effectively is essential to creating a website that will be well received by your audience.

There are a number of resources online that can help you choose the perfect colors for your website. For example, the Canva team has a great tool that lets you experiment with different combinations based on color theory.

When designing a website, it’s important to keep in mind the 60-30-10 rule: one primary color should dominate 60% of the visual space; a secondary color should cover 30% of the space; and an accent color should fill in the remaining 10%. This allows the user to easily focus on the content and call to action on a page, as well as avoid being overwhelmed by too many colors.

It’s also important to remember that even though a certain color might have a positive association for one person, that doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on everyone. For example, while red is a highly effective way to draw attention, it can also be viewed as aggressive and angry.


Fonts are one of the most important aspects of website design, and they can help communicate a message or feeling to the viewer before they even read a word. They can also add visual flair to a site without making it too busy or distracting. While fonts are not always easy to choose, there are some simple rules to follow.

Legibility is the most important aspect of choosing a font. You want the letters to be clearly visible and easy to read, especially for long blocks of text. Some factors that affect legibility include x-height, stroke width and weight and the presence of serifs. You should also be careful about using fonts that use overlapping glyphs (small symbols that represent certain letters) or have similar looking glyphs, such as uppercase I and lowercase L or numeral 1.

There are a lot of different font styles to choose from, but for the purposes of web design, most experts recommend sticking with sans-serif and serif fonts. Sans-serif fonts are usually easier to read, and serif fonts can be used to give a page a more stately or formal look. Other types of fonts to avoid include cursive, fantasy and monospace fonts. These are harder to read, and should be used sparingly if at all.

It’s best to determine the font hierarchy for your website as early in the process as possible. This will help you make sure that your header, body and footer fonts match, and will save you time if you need to change them later on. It’s also helpful to have a fallback font in place if none of your preferred fonts are available.


The internet and the devices that connect to it have transformed how modern customers find, learn about, and engage with businesses. A professional website can help you shape your customer’s vision of your business and build trust. However, it’s important to remember that most users are not going to be able to fully understand or connect with your business from reading its content alone. They will instead be drawn in by the images and other visual elements.

Choosing the right photos is an essential part of creating a website that conveys your message to your audience. For example, when you create a hero image for your homepage, it’s important to choose a high-quality photo that captures attention and evokes emotion. You can also use hero images throughout your site to highlight important content or services.

You should also take care to crop your images correctly. For example, if you have a beautiful picture of a boat on the ocean, you will want to make sure that the boat is the main focus of your image and that no other parts of the scene are visible. This will ensure that your visitors don’t get distracted when they scroll through your site.

In addition, you should also add alt text to your images. This is a text description that will not be seen by your visitors but that will tell Google what the image is about. This can help improve your search engine rankings, so it’s important to consider when designing your website.


Websites can shine with vibrant color, eye-catching images and useful content, but if you strip them down to their bare bones you’ll find that it is the layout that pumps brilliance into a site. The layout defines a website’s structure and provides clear paths for navigation within web pages. It also determines how long visitors spend on a website and whether they return to it.

Layout is not only important for user experience (UX) but it is also critical to search engine optimization. The clean, structured layouts make websites easier to crawl by search engines and load faster. They also work well on mobile devices and tablets. A well-structured layout can help keep visitors engaged and prevent them from abandoning the site because of frustration or a poor browsing experience.

The layouts you choose should also be fitting for the type of content you wish to deliver. For example, some layouts work best for displaying products or works, making them perfect for an online store or portfolio website, while others convey factual information quickly and easily, so might be better suited to a news website.

Another benefit of a good layout is that it helps to organize the content in a way that makes it easy for users to read and understand. This can be achieved by grouping together elements in a coherent way and using methods like consistent spacing or color coding to distinguish groups of objects.

Some website layouts can even tell a story and create an emotional connection with users by giving them a visual representation of what the content is about. For example, a layout that breaks up the content on a page into full-width strips and uses image and text sections in different colors can evoke emotions such as curiosity or surprise. This is because it takes advantage of the Gestalt law of closure, which states that people are inclined to fill in the visual gaps and perceive things as whole shapes.

10 bad examples not to learn from

Website 1

Website 2

Website 3

Website 4

Website 5

Website 6

Website 7

Website 8

Website 9


Website structure and navigation play a key role in how easy it is for visitors to find the information they’re looking for. While the layout of a menu will vary depending on your site’s purpose and audience, there are some general rules to follow when creating it. For example, people tend to remember the first and last items displayed in a menu, so placing the most important pages at the top and bottom of your menu will ensure they’re noticed. This helps visitors to quickly identify which sections they need to go to to fulfill a goal, like contacting your business or purchasing products.

Using a site map to determine the best way to organize your pages will help you come up with the right navigation structure for your website. Start by organizing your pages into logical buckets based on common themes or terms. Then, use these categories as the basis for your navigation menu. For instance, if you have multiple products or services, you may want to create separate categories for each one. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the categories you use should make sense to your users. For example, if you have an audience-based navigation, be sure to avoid phrases that would confuse your users, such as “small vs. medium-size business” or “marketing vs. advertising agency.”

Navigation is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a website’s information architecture (IA). It’s what your front-end visitors see, but behind it is a wealth of spreadsheets and diagrams that provide a seamless experience. By following these best practices when designing your website’s navigation, you can improve user experience and boost SEO.

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